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Format: MIDI + MP3 instrumental
Song Artist Style Format
L'ultima Luna Lucio Dalla MIDI + MP3 instrumental
Grazie Roma Antonello Venditti MIDI + MP3 instrumental
Jeder Traum hat ein Ende Paldauer MIDI + MP3 instrumental
Pensiero Pooh MIDI + MP3 instrumental
For No One The Beatles MIDI + MP3 instrumental
Parole Mina MIDI + MP3 instrumental
Piccola Katty Pooh MIDI + MP3 instrumental
Matrimony Gilbert O'Sullivan MIDI + MP3 instrumental
So What's New? Herb Alpert MIDI + MP3 instrumental
Am Ende bleiben Tränen Roland Kaiser MIDI + MP3 instrumental
Stella Di Mare Lucio Dalla MIDI + MP3 instrumental
Oh, welch ein Malör Räuber MIDI + MP3 instrumental
Nobody's Supposed To ... Deborah Cox MIDI + MP3 instrumental
Format: MIDI individual tracks
Song Artist Style Format
L'ultima Luna Lucio Dalla Pop MIDI individual tracks
Grazie Roma Antonello Venditti Pop MIDI individual tracks
Perfect 10 Beautiful South Pop MIDI individual tracks
Piccola Katty Pooh Pop MIDI individual tracks
Pensiero Pooh Pop MIDI individual tracks
For No One The Beatles Pop rock MIDI individual tracks
Parole Mina Pop MIDI individual tracks
Jeder Traum hat ein Ende Paldauer Schlager MIDI individual tracks
Matrimony Gilbert O'Sullivan Rock MIDI individual tracks
So What's New? Herb Alpert Jazz MIDI individual tracks
Am Ende bleiben Tränen Roland Kaiser Pop MIDI individual tracks
Oh, welch ein Malör Räuber Pop MIDI individual tracks
Format: MIDI-Karaoke
Song Artist Style Format
L'ultima Luna Lucio Dalla Pop MIDI-Karaoke
Grazie Roma Antonello Venditti Pop MIDI-Karaoke
Perfect 10 Beautiful South Pop MIDI-Karaoke
Piccola Katty Pooh Pop MIDI-Karaoke
Pensiero Pooh Pop MIDI-Karaoke
For No One The Beatles Pop rock MIDI-Karaoke
Jeder Traum hat ein Ende Paldauer Schlager MIDI-Karaoke
Matrimony Gilbert O'Sullivan Rock MIDI-Karaoke
Parole Mina Pop MIDI-Karaoke
Oh, welch ein Malör Räuber Pop MIDI-Karaoke
Format: PDF multitrack music score
Song Artist Style Format
Grazie Roma Antonello Venditti Pop PDF multitrack music score
Perfect 10 Beautiful South Pop PDF multitrack music score
Jeder Traum hat ein Ende Paldauer Schlager PDF multitrack music score
Pensiero Pooh Pop PDF multitrack music score
For No One The Beatles Pop rock PDF multitrack music score
Parole Mina Pop PDF multitrack music score
Piccola Katty Pooh Pop PDF multitrack music score
Matrimony Gilbert O'Sullivan Rock PDF multitrack music score
So What's New? Herb Alpert Jazz PDF multitrack music score
Am Ende bleiben Tränen Roland Kaiser Pop PDF multitrack music score
Sightseeing Yellow Jackets Jazz PDF multitrack music score
Nobody's Supposed To ... Deborah Cox Rhythm & Blues PDF multitrack music score
Format: MP3 Instrumental
Song Artist Style Format
Perfect 10 Beautiful South Pop MP3 Instrumental
Format: MIDI
Song Artist Style Format
Am Ende bleiben Tränen Roland Kaiser Pop MIDI
So What's New? Herb Alpert Jazz MIDI