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Format: MIDI + MP3 instrumental
Song Artist Style Format
Rock around the clock Bill Halley MIDI + MP3 instrumental
Perche lo fai Masini Marco MIDI + MP3 instrumental
Sag' mir Quando, sag' mir wann Dieter Thomas Kuhn MIDI + MP3 instrumental
Moonlight shadow Mike Oldfield MIDI + MP3 instrumental
Mammagamma Alan Parsons MIDI + MP3 instrumental
Whispers Elton John MIDI + MP3 instrumental
Everybody's got to learn sometimes Korgis MIDI + MP3 instrumental
Dock of the bay, the Otis Redding MIDI + MP3 instrumental
Libertango Grace Jones MIDI + MP3 instrumental
I can't dance Genesis MIDI + MP3 instrumental
Cowboys and angels George Michael MIDI + MP3 instrumental
Live and let die Paul Mac Cartney MIDI + MP3 instrumental
Format: Karaoke Video
Song Artist Style Format
Rock around the clock Bill Halley Karaoke Video
Imagine John Lennon Karaoke Video
Dock of the bay, the Otis Redding Karaoke Video
Format: MIDI individual tracks
Song Artist Style Format
Try a little tenderness Otis Redding MIDI individual tracks
Rock around the clock Bill Halley MIDI individual tracks
Perche lo fai Masini Marco MIDI individual tracks
Sag' mir Quando, sag' mir wann Dieter Thomas Kuhn Pop MIDI individual tracks
Moonlight shadow Mike Oldfield MIDI individual tracks
Mammagamma Alan Parsons MIDI individual tracks
Libertango Grace Jones MIDI individual tracks
Whispers Elton John Pop MIDI individual tracks
Everybody's got to learn sometimes Korgis MIDI individual tracks
Dock of the bay, the Otis Redding MIDI individual tracks
Don't worry, be happy Bobby Mac Ferrin MIDI individual tracks
Live and let die Paul Mac Cartney MIDI individual tracks
Format: PDF multitrack music score
Song Artist Style Format
Sag' mir Quando, sag' mir wann Dieter Thomas Kuhn Pop PDF multitrack music score
New-York, New-York Liza Minelli PDF multitrack music score
Imagine John Lennon PDF multitrack music score
Whispers Elton John Pop PDF multitrack music score
Think Aretha Franklin PDF multitrack music score
Mammagamma Alan Parsons PDF multitrack music score
Moonlight shadow Mike Oldfield PDF multitrack music score
Libertango Grace Jones PDF multitrack music score
Dock of the bay, the Otis Redding PDF multitrack music score
I can't dance Genesis PDF multitrack music score
Live and let die Paul Mac Cartney PDF multitrack music score
Format: MIDI-Karaoke
Song Artist Style Format
Moonlight shadow Mike Oldfield MIDI-Karaoke
Rock around the clock Bill Halley MIDI-Karaoke
Sag' mir Quando, sag' mir wann Dieter Thomas Kuhn Pop MIDI-Karaoke
Perche lo fai Masini Marco MIDI-Karaoke
Libertango Grace Jones MIDI-Karaoke
Mammagamma Alan Parsons MIDI-Karaoke
Everybody's got to learn sometimes Korgis MIDI-Karaoke
Me & Mrs Jones Billy Paul MIDI-Karaoke
Jesus Westernhagen Pop MIDI-Karaoke
Honky tonk woman Rolling Stones MIDI-Karaoke
Don't worry, be happy Bobby Mac Ferrin MIDI-Karaoke
Live and let die Paul Mac Cartney MIDI-Karaoke